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On the 15th to 17th of October, 2007, those interested in history of footwear met again for the fifth time in Zlín
On the 15th to 17th of October, 2007, those interested in history of footwear met again for the fifth time in Zlín to exchange new findings since the last meeting. To illustrate the diverse range of topics discussed, we could mention the lecture devoted to the footwear of soldiers of the "terracotta army" in Xi-An from 210-209 BC (Petr Hlaváček), the crisis of the shoemaking trade in the 1920s and the 1930s (Vladimír Štroblík ) or the reconstruction of prisoner’s peasant shoes from the Špilberk Castle (Václav Gřešák, Jaroslava Adamová). An overview of all lectures HERE...
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