
There are many reasons why to visit Zlin and our museum.



In the whole country you won´t find another city like Zlin. For many centuries it was hardly more than a village with a small chateau and then, in 1894, a shoemaking workshop was established here that changed the place once forever. Its name was BATA.

The workshop soon turned into a factory but its owner, Tomas Bata, had more visions beyond his business. Within 3 decades a modern city was raised in the middle of nowhere and soon it was called “America in Zlin” or “Czechoslovak Detroit”.

Even today Zlin is a schoolbook of functionalism framed with a great story of a dreamer that fulfilled his dreams. If you add beautiful surroundings with well-preserved nature, you get almost perfect destination for your vacation or holiday.


Situated in a newly reconstructed building No. 14 of the former shoemaking factory, the museum has much to offer. If you wish to learn about Zlin, if you wish to know more about the BATA story and if you want to understand patriotism of its inhabitants, then a visit of the museum is a must for you. Time spent in our permanent and temporary exhibitions will be pleasant – not only because of gathered information but also thanks to available services.

  • access for disabled persons
  • restrooms
  • free WiFi
  • credit card payment

Are you coming to attend our conference SHOES IN HISTORY? For more info CLICK HERE...


The exhibition offers three major themes closely connected with Zlin: history of the Bata Company including the shoe museum with 600 items of historical, exotic and Bata footwear, the Film Cabinet illustrating history of Zlin movie studio founded in 1930s and a section of Modern Travelling dedicated to Hanzelka and Zikmund and other legendary Czechoslovak travelers.

There are many three-dimensional items there, including shoe machines, antient cobblers workshop or airplanes. The exhibition is interactive with lots of pictures and photographs. Be sure not to miss some of BW commercials of the BATA company from the 1930s!

Texts are both in Czech and English. Time of visit: recommended minimum of 60 minutes.

Entry fee: basic 149 CZK, senior/ student 69 CZK, family 2+4 289 CZK

(combined tickets including entry to the Regional Museum of Modern Arts also available at the reception)

more details in English (Tom Scott video) HERE...

Legendary symbol of modern Zlin, former headquarters of the Bata Company. Our museum offers guided tours where you receive more info about the building itself, architecture and about life in Zlin of the Bata era. You will reach the terrace with the original office in a lift which was made for Jan A. Bata. This experience is a must!

Tours in English available. Time of visit: 40-50 minutes, upon agreement with your guide

Entry fee: 100 CZK/ person (11+ groups), 1000 CZK for a group of 1-10 people

Booking necessary 1 – 2 weeks before your visit! Call +420 573 032 111 or write recepce@14-15.cz

Tours start at the reception of the Building No. 14

  • TEMPORARY EXHIBITIONS | building No. 14, ground floor | Virtual tour

Various topics, subjects and/or scientific fields inspire our short-term exhibitions. No guided tours available. In Czech only with brief info in English

Entry fee: included in the fee for The Bata Principle exhibition. Should you wish to see the temporary exhibition only: baxic fee 69 CZK, senior/ student 45 CZK, family 2+4 149 CZK


Muzeum jihovýchodní Moravy ve Zlíně

Vavrečkova 7040, Zlín 760 01, CZ

GPS: 49.2247864N, 17.6585767E

The museum is located in a former factory red-brick building which is near the centre of Zlin, next to the central bus and railway station Zlin Stred. Look for the “14|15 BAŤŮV INSTITUT” signs while driving. There are several parking lots near the place.


Closed on Mondays

TUE – SUN 10 AM – 6 PM

Open on public holidays (if not on Monday). The exhibition THA BATA PRINCIPLE can be visited individually without booking; large groups or groups of 12+ people that prefer guided tours please book your tour at 00420 573 032 111 or recepce@14-15.cz.


For detailed info about admission and tours please click here.


Booking recepce@14-15.cz
Information +0420 573 032 111 | +0420 573 032 326 | recepce@14-15.cz; info@muzeum-zlin.cz


Malenovice castle

Krajská galerie výtvarných umění ve Zlíně (The Regional Gallery of Fine Arts in Zlín)

Baťův památník (Tomas Bata Memorial)

ZOO Lešná

Baťův kanál (boat trips on the Morava river)

Filmový uzel Zlín (exhibition in Zlin Movie Studio)

Tomas Bata Villa

Official website of Zlin

Plostina National Monument 

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